Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Who Else is There? My first Crime novel

Who Else is There?
Click on the cover for the
Amazon USA
"Look Inside" page.
This is the cover design for my
first novel published as an EBook.
When the newly promoted Police Sergeant, Mike Newman receives treatment from a junior doctor, she becomes suspicious about his injury. When the doctor is savagely attacked, detectives are horrified when they realise that not only has the brutal attacker killed ten years before, but the killer is one of their own. There is a killer in their midst. There is a killer is in the police!

What do you think of it?

  • Click this link to find this EBook at Amazon UK* (no 'look inside' on this site)

  • Click this link to find this EBook at Amazon USA

  • Cllick this link to find this EBook for Sony, Nook, and other formats